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    The sun cooks… the Son saves!

    Want to read about the most amazing 'Son' in our universe?

    Click Here

    We love the Sun Oven! So much so that we decided to start importing it.

    We have now been the sole Australian distributor for over 15 years and are still amazed at its results.

    Working with the Sun Ovens International, we import and modify the ovens for the Australian conditions and market.

    Due to extremely high importing costs, we have opted to only sell direct to the public and rely on word of mouth for sales.

    We only sell the genuine Aussie Edition Sun Oven ®

    Be wary of anybody outside of this website offering to sell you a Sun Oven® in or to Australia. We are the *only* authorised outlet.

    Unfortunately, some have lost money by purchasing from unauthorised sellers, receiving counterfeit ovens, having goods seized by customs or their credit card skimmed at a later date. Ensure you purchase the genuine Aussie Edition Sun Oven ®!!

    the Aussie Edition Sun Oven® - the Worlds Best Solar Cooker!

    The Aussie Edition Sun Oven® is a passive appliance that cooks amazing food using only the rays of the sun! That's right; no fire, no gas, no electricity, no microwaves - just the sun!

    You can cook anything that you would normally cook in an oven, with no harmful fumes or pollution - for free! (All the food on this site was cooked in a Sun Oven in everyday use.)

    Not just for travel or emergencies, it has all the needed features to make it effective for daily use to feed 4-6 people.

    It is easy to use, fast, safe, healthy and has huge ecological benefits.

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    Cook Anywhere:

    In the backyard, on the road (or boat), at the park or beach…anywhere!

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    Cook Anything:

    Bake, Roast, Boil, Stew, Dehydrate, Steam…Cook up a storm!

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    Cook Anytime:

    Cook any day the sun is shining. Even when freezing…the Sun Oven® cooks!

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    Cook Healthier:

    Food cooked in a Sun Oven® is better for you…vital nutrition is not lost.

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    Cook Better:

    Incredibly easy to get amazing results…you will be loving it!

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    Cook Ethically:

    Using no unclean power the Sun Oven gives more than 20 years of free cooking!

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    The Sun Oven: Gourmet results from solar cooking by normal people like you and me…

    How easy is it to use the Sun Oven?

    the Aussie Edition Sun Oven® - Super Easy to Use!

    The Aussie Edition Sun Oven® is so simple to use - anyone can do it! You will be amazed at how easy it is to get gourmet results with a wide variety of foods.

    "I have never been able to cook, but I get fantastic results in the Sun Oven!!"

    Instructions: * Fold out the reflectors * Point towards the sun * Put the food in * Go enjoy life… * Come back and EAT!

    The Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® is very forgiving (unlike gas or electric ovens)… It is difficult to over-cook food, so it you get busy and forget, all is not lost! Instead of a burnt, inedible mess, you still get delicious, hot food.

    With the Aussie Edition Sun Oven, you will be getting great with no effort at all.

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    You will be amazed at how easy it is to get fantastic, gourmet results!

    How easy is it to get amazing results in the Sun Oven?

    the Aussie Edition Sun Oven® - Cook Nearly Anything!

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    The Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® can cook anything that a conventional gas / electric oven can. It generally takes 20% longer, though it is far more forgiving, the food is healthier for you, tastes better and is more succulent too!

    • Roast Meats / Vegetables
    • Dried Tomatoes / Chillies
    • Quiches / Frittatas
    • Dehydrated Fruit
    • Lasagne / Pasta
    • Stews / Casseroles
    • Currys / Rice
    • Bread / Buns
    • Cakes / Muffins
    • Biscuits / Slices
    • Jerky / Biltong
    • Granola / Nut Slice
    • And even frozen pies at the beach!

    You will be amazed at how versatile and easy it is to get gourmet results.

    Many of our customers (myself included), get far better results in the Sun Oven® than in any other cooking device. It is that good!

    The Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® can be used for nearly any recipe as well as a wide variety of cooking techniques to give fantastic results.

    Solar Cooking with the Sun Oven for specific foods / situations…

    Recipes [[Nearly any recipe can be used with only minor adjustments. In general we add 15 - 20% to the time quoted in a recipe. On days of partial / light cloud cooking times will increase. It is not recommended to use the Sun Oven if there is no shadows, although it may still be suitable for drying / low temperature tasks.

    Cookware Nearly any cookware can be used (except the highly reflective types like stainless steel). Dark pots with lids give the fastest results, though many others will work fine. Cooking without a lid can increases the time significantly due to condensation.

    Dinner ready while away / at work Put your meal in the Sun Oven in the morning, and point towards where the Sun will be when you want the food to start cooking. You can time it so that when you come home, your food is cooked at hot! One of our favourite features, coming home from work or church to a hot meal is amazing!

    General Cooking Point the Sun Oven at the Sun to get the highest temperature. If the food is in a covered pot, the glass lid may start to get condensation as the food gets close to being cooked. The condensation will slow the cooking, slightly self regulating the cooking temperature. For lower temperature cooking (ie slow cooking), simply turn the Sun Oven away from the sun little.

    Roast Meat / Vegetables Roasts in the Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® are simple and delicious. Prepare as per normal with spices or herbs and salt, then put in a dark pot or casserole dish with a lid. Place the roasting pot in the Sun Oven and point directly at the sun and cook for 20% longer than a conventional oven. You can test the meat once you start to see condensation on the glass lid.

    Slow Cooked Meals The temperature of the Sun Oven can be regulated by turning the Sun Oven away from the sun slightly. You can point directly at the sun when you first put the food in for the initial high temperature and then as the sun travels away, the temperature will lower.

    Dehydrating / Drying Fruit / Leather / Jerky Use drying racks stacked up to 3 high (available separately) and lay the food in a single layer on each rack. Leave the glass door open & cover the opening with the fly screen food cover (sold separately) or leave the glass lid resting on top of the closing latch.
    The temperature can be regulated as per normal and air flow will allow the leather to dry over the course of 6-10 hours depending on the density and thickness of your fruit. Our trials have led to much better results than commercial dryers that take 12 - 16 hours & use a lot of electricity.

    Baking Breads / Cakes Pre-heating the oven will give better results when baking breads. As with any oven it is important close the door quickly. A heat stone can help to give even better results.

    Approximate Cooking times: Roast Chook 1hr 15min Bread 45 min Rice 40 min Cake 35 min Granola 20 min]]

    • This is amazing - so easy to use! My first try was with a loaf of brioche: in 30 mins cooked to a beautiful golden brown and was delicious. I put in a dish of bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes and they were ready by the time i had set the table. Later, I put in a dish of sweet and sour free range pork and angled another dish of chicken meat loaf on the top of it. They were ready in 45 mins and cooked to perfection.Kate (WA)
    • II LOVE my sun oven!! I was never good at baking previously…but the two cakes Ive tried in the oven and banana nut loaf turned out great :-) I love a lamb chop with lemon and potato in the oven as well :+) Hayley (SA)
    • I just cooked a fresh fish I caught at the beach - second meal of the day in the sun oven! Thanks so much! Marion (WA)
    • Today I'm on a winner and have used it to cook chocolate brownies, then kale and fetta muffins and at 5 pm roast vegies. All in all, a very successful day with my Sun Oven. Thank you Sun Ovens! Suzanne (NSW)
    • I bake bread, roast meats, vegies, and boil water too. I cook everything in it and love it! Cheers Charley WA
    • I am loving the Sun Oven! It has had a real work-out over the last few weeks. Wonderful loaves of bread as well as dehydrated apricots. Yum. Sam WA
    • I have cooked some delicious dhal and now have some small tomato and basil frittatas in which I will take to a meeting tonight and boast about my new Sun Oven. The temperature is 250 degrees. Beth SA
    • I cooked Christmas Cake in my SUN OVEN - it worked very well! David QLD

    Where is the best place to use the Sun Oven?

    the Aussie Edition Sun Oven® - Cook Anywhere!

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    One of the huge benefits of using the Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® is that you can use it whereever it suits you…

    Whether you want to keep the heat down in your kitchen, provide hot pies for the kids at the beach, prepare meals for family at the park or have perfect meals while on the road (or water), the Sun Oven is your best option!

    While it lends itself to camping or life on the road, the Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® really shines at home, for meals day in and day out.

    And of course, the more you use it, the more you save…

    Whether you use it for main meals at lunch time or for dinner, or for drying fruits, canning or bread and cakes in the morning - you are limited only by your imagination.

    Whether out-the-back or in the outback - the Sun Oven ® has you covered!

    As long as the sun is shining, you can cook your food…anywhere!

    On the porch, boat or road. At the beach, park or party Or 'just' out in the backyard.

    Wherever you are, you can sit back / enjoy life while the sun cooks your food!

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    • I bought a Sun Oven 25 years ago while cruising on my yacht across the Pacific. It was very useful, especially in coral atolls and remote islands! I am now happily settled on land, and the device still works perfectly allowing us to enjoy a solar cooked meal now and again!John (QLD)
    • I just cooked a fresh fish I caught at the beach - second meal of the day in the sun oven! Thanks so much! Marion (WA)
    • Well I have to say the Aussie Edition Sun Oven is fantastic!!!! We started using it the day after it arrived and It has been going non stop! I am now saving up for another one as we have many uses for another one!!Cheryl (QLD)
    • Bought one home - It’s been great at our place in country! David (VIC)

    What are the health benefits of the Sun Oven?

    the Aussie Edition Sun Oven® - Better For You!

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    Not only can the Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® cook wherever you need it, but what you do cook in it, is better for you!

    That's right - the food itself is healthier for you as vital nutrition is not lost. This is increasingly more important as the food we buy and eat has less essential minerals and vitamins.

    Natural Cooking The Sun Oven does not have harsh or dry heat, so the food is cooked in it's own juices. This leads to the food being more tasty, and also much more tender. Chicken breasts turn out nearly as succulent as thighs. Roast meats are melt in your mouth. Spare ribs are delicious! Vegetables and quiches - well you get the idea…

    Health The risk of smoke and cancer causing substances from burnt food or cooked over wood are avoided with the Sun Oven. Any long terms effects of microwave radiation absorption are alleviated as well. The Sun Oven is made in the U.S.A. from the best and safest materials available from around the world…because your health is worth it!

    Life Preserving There may be times where the Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® comes to the rescue for more than 'just' good health and taste…

    In an emergency, the Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® can be a vital lifeline. It could be your only source of both cooked food and safe water. Whether heating or cooking food or par boiling water to make it safe for drinking, the Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® is an amazing tool.

    How much can you save with the Sun Oven?

    the Aussie Edition Sun Oven® - Saving You Heaps!

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    For over twenty years, we have searched for the very best alternative energy products from around the world. Despite the huge number of innovative items available, nothing we have found comes close to the Sun Oven ®…

    Wise Investment With regular use, the Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® can pay for itself in a few short years - quite a unique potential. Compare this to Solar panels which can take over 15 years to recover costs (assuming you have no inverter faults). Solar batteries often will not last long enough to recover even 50% of their cost!

    Potential Savings If you use the Sun Oven for one main meal every day, you could be saving over $10,000 over the course of its' life! This goes up dramatically if you use the Sun Oven for multiple meals per day. How much can you save?!

    The savings go up even further if you are going to use the Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® for cakes, biscuits, granola, dried fruit, jerky, granola or other foods in between meals.

    20 years of free, healthy cooking, anywhere you go, plus emergency preparedness… #priceless. The Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® could be your best investment ever!

    Calculations: The potential savings are incredible…[[

    Let's assume you could buy an Electric oven that would last 20 years… ◆ Electric Oven Purchase: $1500* ◆ Electricity usage 1 meal per day: ~$7000** ◆ Maintenance for oven: $500 ◆ Total Cost: $9000

    *Obviously, many quality ovens are in excess of $3,000 and still do not last 20 years…(and larger ovens use even more power).

    ^Usage assumes 1-1.5 hours use per day at 40c/KWH. Does not take into account electricity supply charges, oven installation costs or solar rebates. The more you use an electric oven, the more you spend on electricity and the sooner you need a fix (or replacement!).

    The energy costs are even higher if you are using lpg (bottled) gas, meaning for many people the potential savings over 20 years is substantial. ]]

    • 'Insane': Aussies' power price shock as bills surge up to 83%9 News
    • Australia now has some of the highest energy prices in the world Sky News
    • Renewables are creating instability in the Electricity Grid Legacy Media Outlets
    • Electricty Prices to Rise by up to 24% in SA, NSW and QLD (Australia) this year (2023) Australian Energy Regulator (AER)

    How does the planet benefit from the Sun Oven?

    the Aussie Edition Sun Oven® - True Environmental Benefits!

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    The Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® uses no commercial energy no matter how much you use it. That's right - 20 years of cooking - carbon / commercial energy free!

    There is nothimg quite like it. You can use it all day, every day the sun is shining with no electricity or gas.

    If you work out how much your current energy consumption for cooking is, you will likely be amazed. The amount of pollution, as well as the financial cost, over 20 years in phenomenal.

    Every time you use your gas or electric oven, it is consuming non-green forms of energy adding to pollution. Even if you have solar panels on the roof, this only helps during daylught hours. There is also a lot of embedded energy and carbon in the solar panels, inverter, batteries and the oven itself.

    The saving in pollution increases exponentially for any wood or charcoal fired meals that solar cooking replaces.

    The Australian Sun Oven® is also made from responsible materials, meaning less embodied energy in the device itself.

    With the Aussie Edition Sun Oven ®, you can do your bit, while saving money and getting better tasting, healthier food!

    • Warning: Australia's power grid is full…ABC
    • Expect even more power cuts without coal stability
    • Renewables are creating instability in the Electricity Grid Legacy Media Outlets
    • Emergency / Back-up energy sources are going to become vital…and highly sought after. Thinking People!
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    Want to cut down on your carbon footprint?

    Care about the excess use of unclean energy sources?

    Want to do your bit?

    The Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® can cook, boil, dehydrate and roast with:
    - No electricity
    - No pollution
    - No fumes
    - No fire
    = No worries!

    God gave us this amazing planet - let's take good care of it.

    What are the features of the Sun Oven?

    the Aussie Edition Sun Oven® - Full of Useful Features!

    Large Cooking Area (36cm wide and 17-28cm tall) Large enough for many casserole dishes or 2 full loaves of bread at the same time. Due to its' height, the set of twin stacking roasting pots also fit in to cook two meals at once!

    Large Reflector area for high temperatures Although very compact, the reflectors have a large surface area to reflect more heat into the oven, giving higher temperatures.

    4-way Reflectors means less adjustment and easier alignment Adjusting every 30 minutes gives slightly better results, but it is not essential. Other solar cookers may need adjusting every 10 minutes! These reflectors also fold down for easy storage and travel, making the Sun Oven easy to store and carry.

    Safe Internal Cooking Chamber The all metal chamber construction is safe and odour-free (unlike plastic or painted surfaces). Being metal it is easy to keep clean too!

    Insulated External Walls High performance insulation gives more even cooking and increased usability in different conditions. Even in freezing temperatures, the Aussie Edition Sun Oven ® can reach more than 200ºC! The Sun Oven can operate as a cooler as well! Put your cold food in, go to your location and then, only when ready, cook up a storm! Your food stays cool until ready to cook.

    The above features mean that you can cook any time that a shadow is made from the sun. Even days of scattered cloud are fine for the Sun Oven®

    Bonus Features: * Sun Alignment devices on the glass lid make it incredibly easy to align the Sun Oven® with the sun * Built-in raising leg enables you to easily align the oven towards the sun no matter what time of year. * Raising leg has wide foot to give the oven stability in the wind. Comes with pegs for use on sand or grass too * Internal self-levelling tray can hold dishes up to 31cm wide (doubles as cooling trinket) * Built-in Thermometer which can be read without opening the oven. * Thick, extra-clear toughened glass for strength and heat * Secure latches to hold the glass door firmly closed * Built-in Carry Handle * Made in the USA (partly assembled and modified in Australia) * Designed to last 20 years daily use.

    • Your best investment ever!

    Limited Flash Sale - Order Now!

    Purchase the Aussie Edition Sun Oven ®!

    What would you expect to pay for a device that can provide the below benefits?

    • 20 Years of FREE cooking
    • Up to $10,000 savings
    • Nutritionally Healthier Cooking
    • Incredible Gourmet Meals
    • Ability to Cook Anywhere
    • Huge Environmental Benefits
    • Emergency Backup Cooking

    Normally $2599 plus delivery, Pre-Order now for just $2399

    PLUS, for a limited time, we are also throwing in:

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    • FREE Metro Delivery within Australia*
    • FREE All Weather Military Canvas Cover (extra value $200)
    • PLUS a FREE Solar Cooking & Recipe Cookbook (extra value $45)

    That is nearly $800 Savings!!

    Be Quick, this sale will end without notice and is only available on this website.

    - Orders are only confirmed once payment received via credit card or bank deposit.
    - * Sun Oven can only be delivered to street addresses
    - Insurance is not included and must be purchased separately
    - Oven will be left at your door if you are not available to take delivery.
    - Your order will go into the queue and be sent once stock becomes available in Australia. The cost is expected to rise - secure your order today! Delivery is estimated July at this stage.
    - Delivery to rural / remote addresses is not included.

    • Your best investment ever!

    Australia’s best solar cooker - the Aussie Edition Sun Oven®…

    • The sun cooks…the Son saves!Jesus
    • I AM the Way the Truth and the Life…no one can come to the Father except through Me Jesus
    • Have some Fun and cook in the Sun! Solar Cookers
    • The sun is a gift from God…so is the Son (Jesus)! the Bible
    • All energy comes from the sun…all life from the Son!
    Don’t miss out!
    Would you like to join our Facebook community page for Sun Oven users?
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